Friday, March 14, 2008

NewsRe Website is migrating to another platform

Please note that the NewsRe platform is migrating to another platform to meet users requirements and requests. Have fun and register if you are a Reinsurance Professional.
Best Regards,
The NewsRe Team

Please click here to access the new Website »

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

PartnerRe Viewpoints

Partner Re is one of the first Reinsurance company which implemented the possibility to add comments on expertise in its website. The Reinsurance 2.0 is already existing thanks to the famous Web2.0 technologies.

In the IT fields, we talk a lot about Web2.0 matters at the moment and we could see young people use web2.0 technologies more frequently. We hope we will see experts articles to be added and commented by other experts soon.

Didier, The NewsRe Team

The Reinsurance Professionals together

All the Linkedin Users involved in the Reinsurance Business can ask for a registration to be part of Reinsurance Pro in Linkedin Group. A dedicated Group has been created to bring Reinsurers together and share their expertise and discuss on Q&A about Reinsurance topics.

I would also like to share one of my favourite place which is Zürich (CH) by night.

Talk to you soon.
Didier, The NewsRe Team

Friday, November 16, 2007

NewsRe in English

Three months in silence do not mean three months without activity. We all know how business is tough and we are all here to make things happen. That's done, for editorial purposes, we decided to have articles in English to make sense because we are all involved in global matters in Re. We'll try to have professionals to write some articles in this business.

We are going to create new activity on this blog, depending on our availability. We'll write again in January. The purpose of this blog is not to have many articles a week but maybe only one good article a week, that make people think about the Re business and share their ideas !

See you very soon on this blog on January 2008 !

Didier, The Newsre Team

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

From Effectiveness to Greatness by Stephen Covey

The author of the 15-million bestseller 'The 7th habits of highly effective people", Stephen Covey wrote an additional book 'the 8th habit' which focus on 'Greatness'. This book focuses on people behaviors in real life, organizations and so on.

Litte by little, when I read it, it helps a lot when you work within a team in everyday life and some of the details can be applied even when you are back from work . The behavioral approach for life balance can be applied immediately and real life examples with some interesting quotations give you the opportunity to improve yourself in your business activities.

Some relevant charts and graphics make you aware of what's happening in human relationships and can be of great help on a day-to-day basis. To know more »

Didier, The NewsRe Team

Monday, August 20, 2007

What about IT risks?

We speak a lot about risks in general but what about IT Risks? At our IT era where almost all our appliances are based on electronic and computer systems, we speak a lot about natural and environmental disasters, human made disasters but could you imagine what could be an IT disaster where most of our corporate data are saved?

We know that the missions of first priority of antiviruses systems companies are to eradicate such events before they occur but cyber-terrorism could have the worst effects on knowledge management, documents, corporate data, corporate history...

Nowadays, we all want to get rid of print documents but what do humans thought about the 'What If'?

Most of our companies take care of saving files and data on servers on a daily basis but what are the main risks for highly confidential documents? Some thefts occur in the culture field (I think about paintings in particular), but what are the main insurance terms in the case of highly confidential electronic documents? Can 'reinsurance' be applied in this case? Are 'rules' sufficient to prevent from such thefts?

Didier, la NewsRe Team

Thursday, July 26, 2007

L'intelligence collective au profit de la Réassurance 2.0

A l'heure ou le Web2.0 fait couler beaucoup d'encre dans le monde des e-technologies, les entreprises échangent sur ce thème et commencent à se sentir concernées par ce phénomène d'ampleur. Le Web2.0 représente le nouveau Web ou les contributeurs lecteurs deviendront également acteurs. Là ou le top down représentatit le circuit traditionnel de l'information et de la communication, le Web de demain sera un Web coopératif où les différents experts échangeront sur des plateformes dédiées (blogs, possibilités de commentaires sur une ou des parties de sites Web, flux RSS - fil d'actualités pour rester connectés ...).

Aucune raison que les entreprises de réassurance n'y échappent. La Réassurance 2.0 sera la clef de voûte de l'expertise consultable à tout moment mise à disposition, à condition que les acteurs "écrivains" aient le goût pour l'entreprise participative. Une auto-détection des talents et des savoirs faire donneront la possibilité d'auto-évaluer les intelligences collectives dévoilées et les talents exprimés auront non seulement des impacts dans la reconnaissance des savoirs-faire d'un individu mais dans l'identification des meilleurs talents dans le cadre d'une politique RH.

Une séléction naturelle de la pertinence des informations aura bien lieu grâce à l'auto-modération des contributeurs déjà bien existante sur les blogs. Une quasi certitude... la révolution technologique 'Réassurance2.0' aura bien lieu pour se démarquer de la concurrence et pour une performance collective corporate accrue.

Didier, NewsRe Team